Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome characterized by chronic hyperglycemia due to decreased insulin secretion or impaired insulin action. A person is considered to have diabetes when blood glucose measured in the morning before meals has a value greater than 126 mg/dl or above 200 mg/dl at any time of the day.
Diabetes mellitus is an extremely important pathological condition, considering its particularly high and continuously increasing prevalence in all countries of the world, the negative impact it has on life expectancy and its quality, as well as the extremely high costs that involves them. Diabetes is a great burden from a medical, social and economic point of view for people suffering from this disease, as well as for their families or society, because it is associated with multiple complications.
In the last 10 years, in Romania the number of people
with diabetes doubled!
1 out of 10 Romanians has diabetes and 3 out of 10 Romanians have prediabetes!
7 din 10 români au ajuns pentru prima oară la medic
în stadii avansate ale bolii, cu complicații deja instalate!
an amputation every 2 hours in Romania!
National Institute of Public Health - National Center for Public Health Statistics, record of the evolution of diabetes in the period 2012-2021, Oct 2022
There are studies that show that at the time of diagnosis, more than half of the patients, when they register at the doctor's office, already have one or more chronic complications of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is associated with a large number of chronic complications whose final result is the reduction of the quality of life and premature mortality.
Early diagnosis and treatment is the proposed strategy to minimize these effects.
Diabelle Pieds was developed as an innovative therapeutic solution for diabetic foot skin care, thus improving the quality of life.